Saturday, March 28, 2015

Seni kehidupan adalah 
tinggal bersama luka 
namun masih bisa tertawa.

Image sources :  1  //  2  //  3  //  4  //

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"The key to stay sane, positive, and calm is to set your expectations just right."

Many times we feel disappointed, angry, or sad because things didn't turn out the way we wish it would.
And that happens because we expect to much.
In life, things happen beyond what our brain can imagine.
It is uncontrollable and can seem unbearable.
But things will feel alright if we've prepared ourselves for anything that could happen.
Because life isn't perfect, neither are we. So why expect things to run perfectly too ?
God has made the best plans for us, so just enjoy the ride no matter where it leads us to.
People change so don't expect them to stay the same forever.
Let us grow and become a better version of ourselves, 
with or without the support from people we wished we would always have.
We lose and we gain people in our lives.
Because maybe, there isn't enough space for too many people in our hearts.
Expect life to be exciting, because it really is.

My favorite thought from #88LOVELIFE by Diana Rikasari